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Less Than 1 Week To Go!

on Sun, 11/23/2014 - 18:42

Our excursion into the wilderness happens less than a week from today - Saturday November 29th at 7:30 pm!

As some of you already know,  many of our regular baroque orchestral collaborators are on tour with the Taflemusik orchestra, so we will be performing at concert pitch A440!  I will be singing the part of the Second Israelite woman, which is an interesting outing for me. C.P.E. didn't see fit to include an alto soloist in this piece, so I will be masquerading as a soprano!  Please come cheer me on - shouts of applause for anything over 784Hz (high G) would be greatly appreciated! ;)

An excursion into the wilderness: CPE Bach's Die Israeliten in der Wüste

on Tue, 09/16/2014 - 12:28

This year, Bloor Street United is leaping off the regular lectionary path and exploring the entire bible from cover to cover. A highlight this fall will be a concert performance of CPE Bach's oratorio on the Old Testament experience of the Israelites in the Wilderness (Die Israeliten in der Wüste). It will certainly mark an adventure into unknown regions for me, as I will be singing the second soprano in the piece. Here's to hoping for Baroque pitch!


UPDATED DETAILS: Show 7:30 pm Saturday November 29th 2014. Tickets $20/$15, available in from me and/or at the door.

