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Music and Health

on Sat, 10/18/2014 - 20:33

I realize I’ve been AWOL these past few weeks: side effect of a full-time contract position and part-time university studies.  However, there’s been some recent activity online that’s contributed to me finding the time to post again. Namely, some colleagues back home in Newfoundland released a touching music video to raise awareness about mental health.  I wanted to make sure that it gets shared as far and as wide as possible.

And while we are delving the depths of music and health, thought I’d also gave a head’s up about another

An excursion into the wilderness: CPE Bach's Die Israeliten in der Wüste

on Tue, 09/16/2014 - 12:28

This year, Bloor Street United is leaping off the regular lectionary path and exploring the entire bible from cover to cover. A highlight this fall will be a concert performance of CPE Bach's oratorio on the Old Testament experience of the Israelites in the Wilderness (Die Israeliten in der Wüste). It will certainly mark an adventure into unknown regions for me, as I will be singing the second soprano in the piece. Here's to hoping for Baroque pitch!


UPDATED DETAILS: Show 7:30 pm Saturday November 29th 2014. Tickets $20/$15, available in from me and/or at the door.



Promotional wedding video

on Sun, 08/17/2014 - 23:17

Just updated the media gallery to include a sampler that David Passmore and I worked on last month.  Check it out!


New Content - Lessons and Celebrations

on Tue, 07/01/2014 - 17:40

Happy Canada Day, All!

I've celebrated by adding some new content to my Contact page. There on the new dropdown menus, you'll find more detailed information about my services as a performer and as a pedagogue. Here's a quick sneak peak...

As a vocal teacher, Michelle has instructed students from ages eight to eighty in the fundamentals of classical western vocal technique.  Michelle bases her teaching upon the Royal Conservatory of Music’s (RCM) vocal program.  She also draws upon her east-coast musical heritage, introducing Newfoundland and  British Isle’s folk music selections to her lessons.

Feel free to click through to Celebrations and Lessons for more detailed information!


Spring news - Brouwer and Rockin' out

on Fri, 05/30/2014 - 22:00

Rob Carroll and I spent some time re-recording the Dos Canciones by Cuban composer Leo Brouwer Just finished uploading the second piece Madrigalillo, to my Media Gallery.

Earlier this week I went to an interesting talk/networking event at the Rotman School of Business (yes - talk about a fish out of water). I really enjoyed it and will share some thoughts here soon.

As for music making, tonight May 30th, I'm expanding my horizons a bit by singing backup harmonies with a pop-rock band, Young Doctors in Love. Show starts tonight at midnight at The Garrison.

Carbon 14: Climate is Culture

on Tue, 01/28/2014 - 11:02

Having a great time singing in the back-up chorus for singer/songwriter/performance artists Cynthia Hopkin's Toronto premiere of her original work This Clement World. 

The show is part of the Carbon 14: Climate is Culture series in Toronto, and is being hosted by The Theatre Centre.

Performances start this Thursday!

For tickets , or more info click here-->  

This ain't your parent's Messiah!

on Wed, 11/06/2013 - 16:21

Messiah time is almost upon us. If you are interested in seeing (yes, I typed seeing) something a little different, check out what Against the Grain Theatre has on offer. I'll be joining them in the chorus for performances at the Opera House the weekend of December 14th. Get your tickets now! This ain't your parents Messiah. 

It's that time of year again... Faculty Favourites

on Tue, 10/15/2013 - 11:11

So, it's that time of year again: Faculty Favourites time!

Please save the date for our annual Fall fundraising concert in support of the United Way Toronto. Admission is pay-what-you-can, with a suggested minimum of $10.

This year, we have a strong vocal component to the concert, and will be featuring solos and duets with our newest faculty member, voice teacher Victoria Medeiros. I'll also be doing a few solos and duets, including the entire set of Leo Broouwer pieces for voice and guitar (one of which is available for listening on my Gallery page).

For those who'd like to RSVP, please see

Bicycle Opera à Montréal - VélOpéra!

on Mon, 09/09/2013 - 11:19

Pretty excited to remount our show in Montreal later this month as part of the season launch for Innovations en Concert,  Plus d'informations à venir!

Bicycle Opera Update

on Sat, 07/06/2013 - 10:58

So, after recuperating from an attack of the summer cold, we're ready to start tonight, 7:30 pm at Array Music. To that end, check out this great promo piece which appeared on Musical Toronto today - yay Larissa!



